Coast and Canyon is made up exclusively of on non-paid volunteers and depends on the generosity of individuals. Last year we cared for over 1,100 orphaned, injured, or displaced wild animals in Los Angeles County. Your donation will help us provide food, habitats, and any medical care that our charges require. We pride ourselves on never turning away an animal in need, and never letting the cost of an animal's care determine its future.
We are a registered 501c3, which means any donation is tax deductible. Our Tax ID Number is: 26-2982533
Donate a Specific Amount
Every single donation to Coast & Canyon is appreciated and can go so far. Whether you're able to donate $5 or $500,
you can help us purchase essential medical supplies, food and habitats for our rehabbing animals.
Automatic Monthy Donations!
Give to Coast and Canyon every month securely with Paypal! Every dollar helps! If your circumstances change canceling is easy.
Incubator Sponsorship Program!
This donation allows us to purchase a small incubator which will warm and comfort our smallest orphaned babies for years to come.
As a sponsor, your name (or a name of your choosing) will go on the incubator and will stay there for the life of that incubator.
It's a gift that will help hundreds of babies over time.
Help Coast and Canyon While You Shop On Amazon!
When you visit through our link Amazon will donate a portion of your purchase to help the
animals at Coast and Canyon! Whether it's a book, squirrel feeder, a download of your favorite TV show you missed, MP3,
or gift cards, you can help the animals just by going to Amazon through our link!
Please bookmark this page and visit it before you shop at!
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